Articles & research

Sapara territory, Ecuador, Amazonia

Sapara territory, Ecuador, Amazonia

In Ecuador, REDD+ plans move forward but face critical challenges

An investigative report about the UNFCCC's climate change mitigation plan and its impact on indigenous communities in Ecuador. 

Published by: Indigenous Peoples' Biocultural Climate Change Assessment Initiative.

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Ecuador’s Indigenous Leaders Oppose New Oil Exploration Plans in Amazon Region

Country set to open 11th licensing round of oil exploration in 10 million acres of pristine, undeveloped rainforest.

Published by: Earth Island Journal Blog

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Sapara territory, Ecuador, Amazonia

Sapara territory, Ecuador, Amazonia

Rome, Italy

Rome, Italy

Sinkholes in the cobblestone: What Lucia Berlin taught me about Rome

I had been in Rome for about a week when the sanitation workers went on strike. I noticed something was off as I walked through Trastevere: an ancient, labyrinthine neighborhood known for its charming cafes, cathedrals, and cobblestone streets. One morning, I found soggy boxes of trash heaped up on the curbside. Banana peels and lettuce rotting on the street. Glass bottles. Seagulls and pigeons spiraled overhead, competing for tidbits. Someone was partying last night, I thought. But throughout the city, the dumpsters overflowed and dairy products slow-cooked in the sunlight.

Published by: Ragazine Magazine